Security Patrol
Security Patrol

Your Board of Directors for Kingsbridge MUD takes the safety of our residents and their families very seriously. Recently our Board has provided funding for the additional security patrols within the District. This security patrol for our community is provided in addition to traditional law enforcement services provided by Fort Bend and Harris County Sheriff/Constable Office. The law enforcement officers are patrolling exclusively for Kingsbridge MUD.
The private security patrol hours are based on historical statistics for low and peak times/locations of criminal activity within the District. Extra patrols are never at the same time of day, nor do they follow a set pattern.
Patrols look for unusual activity, suspicious persons and vehicles, open doors, broken windows, etc.
Our Security Patrol can be contacted by calling (832) 584-4013 to leave a message.
While this additional patrol service helps keep the community safer, Residents should ALWAYS call 9-1-1 immediately for EMERGENCIES such as Assault, Theft, Burglary, Property Vandalism, and so on.
So, when you see the patrols pass by, give them a wave and a “thank you” for their hard work keeping the neighborhood safe!
For non-emergencies call: Fort Bend County Sheriff's Office at (281) 341-4665 Harris County Sheriff's Office at (713) 221-6000
For active emergencies call: 9-1-1
Examples of a NON-EMERGENCY
- Assault
- Theft
- Burglary
- Property vandalism

Because Kingsbridge MUD is in both Fort Bend County and Harris County, knowing which Sheriff's office to contact can be a crucial piece of information.
Most of our District is in Fort Bend County but a small sliver lies in Harris County.
Please see the map below to know which county you currently reside.

Kingsbridge MUD is in three different Constable Precincts.
Fort Bend County Constable Precinct 3 - (281) 242-4014
Fort Bend County Constable Precinct 4 - (281) 341-4536
Harris County Constable Precinct 5 - (281) 463-6666
More information about constables can be found by clicking the links below. Bend County Constables County Constables